Help Center > Find Email Addresses > Create an Email List

Create an Email List

Learn how to search for email addresses using our filters by entering Domains, Top-level domains (TLDs), Email Local Parts, or Second-level domains to find the addresses you need.

Create an Email List by Using Our Advanced Filters

You can create your email list by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to Create Email List
  2. Select a condition from the list, eg. TLD (top-level domain), Domain, Email Local Part or Second-level domain
  3. Pick whether you want that condition to be: 'Is,' 'Is not,' 'Begins with,' 'Does not begin with,' 'Ends with,' 'Does not end with,' 'Contains string,' or 'Does not contain string' of the following value
  4. Select the values of the condition you have chosen. You can select multiple values, but these values will be considered 'OR,' meaning only one of them needs to exist to be considered in the results. All values can be in a string array separated by commas (,)
  5. Add an 'AND' value to start a new row of condition selections and repeat the process above (optional)
  6. Insert the emails you already have, which will be excluded from the final results, in the "Exclude emails" text box (optional)
  7. Assign a name to your list for easy identification (optional)
  8. Define the maximum number of emails per domain you would like to get in your result search (optional)
  9. Click on "Create new email list" button

Parts of an Email Address

Email example Email local part Domain Second-level domain (TLD) Top-level domain john.smith example com info wikipedia org sales net john_dow example john.smith www.example com
More Info: Email local part? Domain? Second-level domain? (TLD) Top-level domain?

Understanding the Results and Managing Your Email List

The results of a created email list are displayed in a grid format.
The result you get is a list of all domains, and the number of filtered emails for those domains.
There are options to edit the list filter, rename the list, download the list, or delete it.

Filtering Results:
Skymem offers filtering options to refine the results for the most relevant email addresses, with many filter options available in the grid to further customize your search.

Before downloading, you can use the Email Verification Tool to ensure all addresses are valid and active.

Downloading the List:
On the Email Lists page, select the list you would like to download by clicking on it.
Click on the "Download" button. Skymem allows downloading email lists in various formats, like CSV.

Saving and Managing Lists:
Save the downloaded lists on your computer and use them as needed.
You can also manage your saved lists directly within your Skymem account on (My) Email Lists page.
They are visible only to you, and you can either keep them or delete them.

Note: All the email addresses you obtained by creating your email lists can be inserted into our Email Verifier Tool for additional checks.
This allows you to rule out unwanted emails and ensure you have the desired results, thanks to properties provided by the verification process, such as free email, role-based, disposable, gibberish, and spamtrap.

Examples for Creating an Email List

Demo Content

Email Search
